I know that I keep saying this, but I have never felt that I have missed most of my pregnancy like this. It's going by so fast! Maybe it's because I've already done this twice before or b/c my life is so busy.
Little Dax is really really kicking along lately. Just this morning while I was watching the news before I woke the other kids, I could actually feel toes or fingers....not sure. I didn't get to examine because he moved again quickly. He's an active little booger!
Last night I took Kyleigh shopping with me and we had an awesome Mother-Daughter time. We went to Old Navy, TJ Maxx and Target. We even ate dinner together at Target. So much fun. The girl is a shop-a-holic. She loves clothes and SHOES! She did NOT like it when I had to find some stuff for the boys. She didn't mind looking at baby stuff for Dax but was repeadtedly drawn to "pink" stuff.
Brayson is doing pretty well in school so far. He is trying to get A's on everything so they will think he's super smart and let him skip 2nd grade. His whole reason for wanting to skip 2nd grade: To play tackle football sooner. Yep, hidden agenda.
Trevor is having a rough go of 5th grade. He says it's not what he expected it to be and it is much harder than 4th. No matter how much you warn somebody about something, they never understand until the event happens. I had a meeting with all of his 5th grade teachers, counselor and resource lab teacher. We went over his IEP and revised it to suit his needs this year. Overall, it went wonderfully! I got a good vibe from all the teachers and believe they are all looking out for his best interest. My worst fear about this year was him falling behind and no one noticing. I hear that happens in 6th grade b/c the environment is not as controlled. However, we will be able to keep him on an IEP as long as he qualifies so we will have a leg to stand on if he starts getting behind. We'll worry about that next year though. Right now, let's get this kid caught up! He's super smart but tries to pull the wool over the teachers eyes by acting like he can't read on a 5th grade level or say he can't do other things. The child reads encyclopedias at home! He's making 100's on all of his test but not turning in his classwork so he's getting zeros. We know that he's extremely intellegent. We've just got to keep him interested so he can graduate high school and move on to a trade school where he can pursue a career in the arts like he wants to. He doesn't understand why he can't work "now". :)
Jason is doing pretty well. He is getting used to being back on route finally. I sure like this Jason better than Manager Jason. He's not as irritable from being bothered by everyones problems at work. He just has to worry about him!
Next weekend, I will be attending my 10yr HS reunion! I'm really excited about it. Since I was the class president, I had the joy of putting it together and getting a hold of everyone. It wasn't too complicated due to the fact that I graduated with a whopping 19 classmates! Yes, 19! We'll have a great time. I'm bummed that I won't be able to have a margarita or two with my girls but having a baby is much more rewarding :)
Until next time.....
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