39 wks, 3 days and counting! It's almost time for Kyleigh to arrive. I'm counting down the days (as if it were possible for me to know)! Brayson said on Monday that he thinks she'll be here in 5 more days. Well, tomorrow would be that 5th day and that would make my tired body and mind SO happy! At least I think it will until I start remembering the sleepless nights and a baby constantly attached to me (for breastfeeding), throw 2 more kids & a husband into the mix....doesn't sound too relaxing to me or any less tiring. BUT having a baby around is always so sweet!
Since I've opted not to be induced unless absolutely necessary, there is no way for me to even start to predict when labor will start. I went to my weekly checkup on Wed and had to see the other doc in the practice since mine is out of town all this week. He gave me some bad news.....I'm thick and closed. Nothing is happening....at least not at that point. He kindly told me not to worry because things could turn around in an instant and I could be in labor at any time.....I wanted to scream! :0) Not really, I'm fine with it because I still have a few small things to get squared away at the office before she gets here.
On to the rest of the family, Brayson has been incredibly funny this week. He really is becoming such a cute little person! He's figured out how to play games by himself on nickjr.com this week and we can hardly get our little addict off the computer for bed at night!
Trevor has been out of school since Wed for fall break and has been driving me nuts! He's here at the office with me all day. I'm very glad that he is having such a stellar year this year at school! Things have really started to turn around for him. He thinks that since he's 10 now, that he is considered a "pre-teen". Kids are so anxious to grow up! I know I was the same way and now I find myself saying the exact same things to him as my mom said to me about rushing to grow up.
Jason is doing great as well. He's still playing softball on Friday nights, watching football all day Sat and Sun, bowling on Mondays and spending time with us in between :0) He's been incredibly helpful lately and I'm so lucky to have him around! Otherwise my kids would get tired of picking stuff up off the floor for me since I can't bend over anymore!
Well, that's it for now. Hopefully the next time I write, I will be posting pics of Kyleigh Rene'!
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