Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I'm Extracurricular-ed out!
Since Aug 3rd, we have had 4 football practices a week and for the past two weeks we've thrown in scrimmages on Saturdays....what the heck were we thinking getting involved in football? Trevor has been begging us for the past 3 years to let him play. We haven't, up until now, for two reasons. 1. Total cost (gas, uniforms, entry fee, equipment, blah blah blah) is around $400. 2. He wasn't ready mentally with his condition to play until this year. With costs like that who wants to waste the money?
Since last Tuesday we started coaching Brayson's fall baseball team. YIKES! That means we have him in practices on Thursdays and he has double-header games on Sundays. That makes us living out of our car 6 days a week. Wowza.
I think we're crazy but we are having a good time! Kyleigh is so tired of her carseat...I think I'm going to go ahead and upgrade her to her big-girl carseat so she doesn't have to be smashed into that carrier anymore. She still fits in it length-wise but she's getting a little too chubby for it :)
Kyleigh went to her 9mo. appt just shy of her 10mo. anniv. yesterday :) When she was supposed to go, we were in Chicago and then we had friends from Amarillo the week after that then I lost my mind somewhere and couldn't get her in until then. She weighed in at 20.6 lbs and was 27in long. All in all...she's short and chubby! She's in the 16th percentile for her height and 56 percentile for her weight and I said "so you're telling me she's short and fat?"...haha We went through the repertoire of questions and then the nurse practitioner said "she's perfect"...I agree wholeheartedly with her!
She is crawling like crazy, pulling up and walking along things. She is babbling still and always all smiles! Her favorite foods are eggs, ice cream, baby cookies, any baby food (mostly spaghetti), oatmeal, yogurt, rice....almost anything! She's a very good eater. She will look at the correct parent when I call us out. She most recently started directing "mama" and "dada" at us. I just love that little doll!
Trevor just celebrated his 11th B-day on the 18th! I am now letting him consider himself a "Pre-teen" as much as I hate to see this stage near....only because that means that he is growing up and I'm getting older...haha. He got a Chicago Cubs wallet with money in it and we are taking him and a friend to the drag races as soon as they don't have a night game on a Saturday.
Brayson started Kindergarten this past Wednesday. That boy is TOO big for his britches! He is very defiant right now with Jason and me. Perfectly behaved for almost everyone else besides us. I think he's still in the middle of his middle-child-syndrome. I hear it doesn't subside until around 9.....I don't know if I can battle it that long but I'm going to give it my best shot. Any advice out there is welcomed!
Jason and I also celebrated our 6 yr anniversary on Aug 4th! Our friends Giff and Jeri were in town the weekend before (which was also their anniv.) so we went out and celebrated by going to eat downtown at McNellies and then ended at the Vault in Owasso. Good Times! Wish there were more like that but not with our current schedule!
This next weekend we have Trevor's first football game Sat, Brayson's first coach pitch game Sun, Church and Cale's 1st B-day party Sun. I will be taking Miss Kyleigh to the party while Jason and Trev go to the game. Sad I have to miss Brayson's game but very glad for some family time with my girl!
I almost forgot to mention our Chicago trip! It was fabulous! We stayed in the Gold Coast district, right next to the lake and the Magnificent Mile. It was beautiful! We went to watch our beloved Cubbies play (and they won) and also took in some lovely cuisine. We didn't dare eat at any of the restaurants next to the hotel.....some of the plates were over $150.00. We joked that they would probably charge $25 for a pea or a glass of water with no ice :) We did have our run-ins with quite a few bums but most of them were nice and carried a good conversation. I was only scared once when Jason wanted to walk to McDonalds at 1am to get something to eat about 6 blocks away....that was the scariest trip of my life....well besides the time we had to drive 50mph through a really rough neighborhood in St Louis...
I'm going to upload pics only on my next blog so I don't have to fight with rearranging my blog....
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Whew....I'm in a whirlwind....

Kyleigh just loves to swing!

New teeth! You can barely see the second one coming in....

Brayson loving on little sister!
Kyleigh has grown OH so much over the past couple of months. So far she says: Mama, Dada, bubba and oodles of other baby sounds. She now dances to music ALL the time! She is full of smiles even when she doesn't feel very well. She is sitting up, rocking on all fours, scooting backwards, rolling around the living room, sleeping in her "own" room! and has quite the personality! She also has her two bottom teeth. We love and adore her SO SO much!
Trevor has been gone for about a month to visit his mom and my family in Amarillo and returns today with my sister, Bailey, in tow. She is coming to stay with us for 3 wks until we go to Chicago at the end of the month. At which point, my mom is taking Brayson and Kyleigh with her while Trev stays with Grandma to attend football camp in the evenings.
Yes, that's right, Jason and I are going on vacation without kids! We are taking our friends Chad and Chasity to The Windy City with us for a fun filled trip to see the one and only Cubbies! On Sunday while the boys are at an all day concert, us girls are going to have a spa and shopping day!! Look out, here we come!
Brayson just got finished with his first crack at t-ball! It was a really fun and challenging season. They loved playing in the dirt and sliding into home more than anything. He doesn't get much of a break as we will be signing him up for fall t-ball soon. We will be busy parents this fall with Trev in football and Bray in t-ball....I don't know what we are trying to do to ourselves???!!!
This past weekend, Jason and his Grandpa Rampey built a much needed porch rail on our house. It looks fantastic! I'm so proud of them! Two wks prior, we repainted the living room and we are no longer lounging in an avacado colored room. Next step, new carpet and eventually stained concrete in our kitchen and dining areas.
For the past couple of months, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, as my grandma used to say :) With t-ball, work, babysitter, trying to grocery shop, cleaning house, doing laundry, working on the house....I have not had time to breathe! Hopefully after our yearly audit at work (next Mon) is over, I will be able to relax a little bit.
Whew, I hope I got everything into this blog that I needed to :) Toodles!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pictures from a few weeks ago....Where does the time go????
Kyleigh's first trip to the park!
We spent much of last week either in the doctors office or at home due to Brayson being sick and then Kyleigh catching his sickness.
The Friday before last, Brayson was sick to his stomach after school and started running a fever. We went to the doc on Tues (after his tummy was feeling better) thinking that he was all better because he wasn't throwing up anymore but it was the soonest we could get in so I decided to take him in anyway. He ended up having both ears infected and an upper respiratory infection. The very next day he and Kyleigh were both running fevers. So off to the doc we went again with Kyleigh. She had the same as Brayson minus one ear infection. They are both taking antibiotics and she has to have breathing treatments. Finally after one more trip to the doc on Friday, the fevers ended and everyone is on their way to feeling much better!
I always feel like one of those moms that freaks out over everything and always feel like the doctor thinks I'm some "wacko" mom who brings her kids in at the site of a runny nose. Then I think to myself, it is RSV season and Kyleigh's already had that once...better safe than sorry! They can just deal with me being a "wacko" and see my kids anyway. Turns out, I was right to take them in and convinced myself that I'm not a hypocondriac.
Thank goodness Trevor is one of those kids that gets sick once every 4 years or more!
On another note, my friend Melodie and I have started making baby bows! It has been so much fun. I've made 5 so far. They are getting better each time. Kyleigh will probably turn out to be a little girl that hates to wear hair bows and that would break my heart into pieces! Maybe I can keep her a girly-girl for at least the first few years :)
She will be 5 months old next Wednesday. It has gone by faster than ever! So far this month, we have started a few solids. She likes sweet potatoes, green beens and peas. She kind of likes carrots but not too much. She does not like fruits yet. I think they are a little too tart for her to handle right now but I always try just a little bit. She really liked rice cereal until I started the veggies and now she wants nothing to do with that either. She gets the cutest smile on her face when she's eating one of her faves. I hope I remember to get my camera out for her next solids meal.
She loves playing in her jumperoo, playing with the little birdie on her bouncer, rubbing her precious little feet together, falling asleep next to mommy, getting kisses from daddy, hearing songs from her bubba's, and talking constantly! She's really coming along. She doesn't like to roll over yet. She does it here and there but not very much.
Below are some pics from the park on Sunday.
This was Brayson's favorite thing to do.

He fell off right after this pic and bumped his chin :( but he's alright.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
So much, so little time.........
Update on the Kids.....
1. Trevor - Still doing fantastic in school. He's becoming a really good kid and a joy to be around. He's finally coming out of the ADHD cloud that engulfed him until now. He's really into watching COPS and shows like that....I do not care for that but I was into that too at his age.
2. Brayson - Oh my, what to say about the middle child???? He's really struggling with following directions...mainly the ones given by ME. We butt heads quite often. He just doesn't understand why he can't have a popsicle right before dinner or have 5 of them for a snack. He doesn't want to shower, brush his teeth or do anything that would make him smell like anything other than a pile of dirt. In fact, I'm pretty sure a pile of dirt smells better than him most of the time...haha.
3. Kyleigh - She will be 4 months on the 25th of this month! She is now at the end of her battle with RSV. I'm so ready for it to be completely gone! She didn't ever need breathing treatments but her cough was terrible. Poor thing slept for most of the 5 days we were at home with her. I stayed home Friday afternoon thru Monday, then Jason stayed home Tuesday. I fixed her hair for the first time today. It is too cute! I put a little ponytail on the top of her head and then put a bow-clippie on her. She wants to sit by herself so bad. I'm going to get her a bumbo chair soon! I think I'm also going to invest in a highchair so she can sit in the kitchen with me while I do the dishes and what-not. She has the MOST beautiful smile. I just love it. It's amazing how long a mom can sit and just stare at her sleeping baby. They are so precious.
Me and Jason.......
I've had better months, that's for sure. My best-friends dad passed away from pancreatic cancer on Tuesday. That means that me and Kyleigh are going to Amarillo. We are flying out tomorrow afternoon and staying until Sunday evening. What a rushed week!!!!
With Kyleigh being sick and me having a bladder infection, I feel like I've missed 2 wks of work throughout the whole ordeal.
On a brighter note, Jason is finally going to ditch his current position and go back to what he was doing before. We are completely excited. Today, he's getting a Jeep since we will have to return the company car.
We are also shopping around for wood/laminate flooring.....what a pain that's turning out to be. I'm sure we'll find a good deal soon. I just want to take my time and find the best thing and Jason just wants to get them done.....patience is a virtue, right? The carpet in the house is AWFUL....it's just awful. Did I mention it was awful? I'm so embarassed when someone comes over. The person before us obviously did not clean up after themselves whatsoever when it came to spills on the carpet. I want to have a "burn the carpet" party when we pull it up....lol
I'm excited to go back home this week. I'm sad for the reason but glad to get to see some of my close friends from high school. We have such a good time when we get together.
On Sunday we will go visit my Grandpa and he will finally get to meet Kyleigh.
Jason has a bowling tourney this weekend and Trevor is going to go with him. Connie will be keeping Brayson...bless her soul! She's going to just fall over in her bed when she gets rid of him on Sunday. She'll need to catch up from all the energy she has to use.
I almost forgot to mention our date. We went out two weeks ago. Our plan was to eat sushi for an appetizer in Owasso and then go to Osaka and meet our friends. We did eat in Owasso. BTW, they have some of the best sushi I've ever had....weird right? So anyway, we are on our way to Osaka and our friends call and say that there are two fire engines and an ambulance in front of the restaurant. All the customers are standing outside. (I have no clue what happened) We decided to go to Shoguns instead. Well, the wait was over an hour so we went across the street to the mall and shopped around. I got the cutest dress for Kyleigh to wear Easter Sunday. We finally got to eat around 9 or so at Shoguns. It was really good. I have to say, I wasn't that impressed though. I had my heart set on eating at Osaka for nearly a month. Oh well, maybe next time.
Next blog, I'll post some pics. I'm too tired to mess with that right now.