Monday, July 28, 2008

Catching up

I know it has been over a month since my last blog but rest assured, my life has been anything but calm!

So let me take a look back at what has been going on. For starters, we've been going thru numerous new medications for Trevor, which have been no help. We actually got a full psychological eval for him last Tues. However, he did not finish the test. They say they got what they needed. I hope so! Trevor left this morning to go to his mom's for almost 2 weeks. I hate to see him go there but we sure do need the vacation right now.

Brayson is growing more and more into a BIG little boy! He's so excited about pre-k starting, he can hardly stand it! We've been coloring our hearts out! We're trying to learn how to cut instead of cut-and-rip the paper :) He also has started singing all of the songs at church albeit not always the right words! When he sings on the way home it is quite comical!

While Trevor is gone, we are going to try to get Kyleigh's room painted and put together. All I have right now is the crib to put in there but that will do for now. I really want to go get the armoire but I'll probably wait until Sept or early Oct.

In the past month, I've been to two baby showers and have received 3 invites to wedding showers and baby showers with more to come! It's going to be a busy few months with all of these showers. Luckily, I'll be buying and sending more than attending. I love going but you can only "Ooo" and "Ahh" so much! I'm looking forward to the few I'll be going to around here and flying back to the one for my best friend back home!

I've been feeling pretty well the past few weeks even months but this morning I started feeling really queezy. I think it's due to the start of my third trimester. I started feeling like this at the beginning of the second as well. That's probably not the real reason but that's what I think it is! I'm going to try and beg my way into getting another ultra sound done on Thurs when I go to the doc but we'll see :)

Yesterday we spent the day out at Lake Skiatook and had a great time! The water was perfect for 102ºF! Just beautiful!

Other than work being busier than it has ever been during the summer, the above has been my life for the past month......